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In the bustling world of veterinary practices, seamless client communication isn’t just a luxury—it’s a necessity. Fortunately, with the right veterinary software at your disposal, you can transform how your practice interacts with clients, enhancing efficiency, elevating the client experience, and, ultimately, revolutionizing the delivery of veterinary care.

Increased Veterinary Clinic Efficiency, Reduced Workload for Staff

Automated Reminder System

Gone are the days of manually dialing numbers for appointment reminders and recall notices. Sophisticated software allows your practice to effortlessly send automated reminders via multiple channels, ensuring clients never miss appointments while liberating staff from repetitive tasks. 

With PetDesk’s automated reminder system, your team can remind clients of upcoming appointments via text, email, mobile, or postcard. Digital communications are sent two days before the appointment and can even include a link to confirm or cancel the appointment, further reducing the need for phone calls. Reduce no-shows at your clinic while saving your staff time with our comprehensive veterinary reminder system.

Digital Forms

By transitioning from paper-based intake forms and consent agreements to digital formats, clients can conveniently complete necessary paperwork online before their appointment, saving valuable time during check-in and minimizing the burden of manual data entry for your staff. PetDesk allows you to create, collect, and manage digital forms from one dashboard, offers template builders, and even allows your team to brand forms accordingly. Build trust, simplify workflows, and enhance your client’s experience with this digital platform.

Real-Time Online Booking

Empower your clients by putting the scheduling power in their hands. With intuitive online booking software, clients can easily schedule appointments at their convenience, eliminating the need for a cumbersome phone tag and reducing administrative overhead. 

Generate more appointments and save your staff time with PetDesk’s real-time veterinary online booking software. Our software speaks directly to your PIMS, meaning clients only see appointments that are truly available. Plus, with our fully customizable software, you can control how many and when appointments are booked online, account for veterinarians with different skills, hold spaces for emergency or surgical appointments, and more.

Elevating the Veterinary Client Experience with Technology

Two-Way Texting

Say goodbye to endless phone calls and reception backlog. By implementing two-way texting capabilities, clients can conveniently ask quick questions, request prescription refills, or confirm appointments with a simple text message. With PetDesk’s two-way texting platform, your team can manage messages from one dashboard that allows you to create templated responses for common responses, instructions, and reminders. This expedites communication for clients while alleviating strain on your front desk staff.

Online Payments

By providing clients the convenience of securely paying invoices and fees through a digital platform, you eliminate the hassle of traditional payment methods. This streamlined process allows clients to settle their bills quickly and easily from the comfort of their own homes or on the go, saving them time and reducing stress. PetDesk’s veterinary payment software even allows you to keep cards on file and offers recurring payment support, making it even easier for clients to pay online.

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veterinary client communication software.

Veterinary Mobile App

Introducing a mobile app can revolutionize the client experience by placing comprehensive pet care management directly in the palm of their hands. Through the app, clients can access many convenient features, which empower them to take a proactive role in their pet’s healthcare journey, facilitating better communication and collaboration between pet owners and veterinary professionals. 

PetDesk’s industry-leading veterinary mobile app allows clients to access prescription information, request appointments, receive appointment reminders and pet pickup notifications, purchase pet health insurance, and set their own pet health to-dos. Keep clients engaged with your clinic and their pet’s health with our comprehensive pet health management app.

Smart VoIP

Implementing a smart VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) phone system can significantly enhance the client experience at your veterinary practice. With advanced features and the ability to integrate seamlessly with customer relationship management (CRM) software, staff can access client information quickly and personalize interactions. 

PetDesk offers the only veterinary-specific VoIP phone solution with a direct PIMS integration. With PetDesk Phones, you can effortlessly wow clients and staff through streamlined communication with a solution that can be nestled directly into your dashboard or be used as a standalone product. Quickly identify incoming callers and easily access pet and client data during phone calls to deliver exceptional service to clients, all while optimizing your staff’s time and workflow.

Enhancing Veterinary Care and Compliance with Technology

Loyalty Programs

By rewarding clients for their continued patronage and adherence to preventive care measures, such as regular check-ups and vaccinations, loyalty programs incentivize pet owners to prioritize their pet’s health and well-being. This, in turn, leads to improved compliance with recommended treatments and preventive measures, ensuring that pets receive the care they need to thrive.

PetDesk’s customizable veterinary loyalty program keeps clients coming back for more, aiding in client retention and revenue. Reward clients with whatever you want and allow them to keep track of their points in real-time via the mobile app with a loyalty program that’s aligned with your clinic’s goals and brand.


The Power of Technology for Veterinary Client Communication FAQs

Q. How does automated reminder software benefit veterinary practices?
A. Automated reminder software, like PetDesk’s system, eliminates the need for manual appointment reminders by sending automated messages via text, email, or postcard. This reduces the workload for staff and ensures clients never miss appointments, leading to fewer no-shows and improved clinic efficiency.

Q. What advantages do digital forms offer for veterinary clinics?
A. Digital forms simplify the intake process by allowing clients to complete necessary paperwork online before their appointment. This saves time during check-in, minimizes manual data entry for staff, and enhances the overall client experience. PetDesk’s digital form management feature streamlines this process, making it easier than ever to collect and manage client information.

Q. How does real-time online booking improve client satisfaction?
A. Real-time online booking empowers clients to schedule appointments at their convenience, eliminating the need for phone calls and reducing administrative overhead for staff. PetDesk’s online booking software integrates seamlessly with your practice management system, ensuring clients only see available appointments and enabling them to book appointments with ease.

Q. How does two-way texting benefit both clients and veterinary staff?
A. Two-way texting capabilities allow clients to ask quick questions, request prescription refills, or confirm appointments via text, reducing the need for phone calls and streamlining communication. PetDesk’s two-way texting platform enables staff to manage messages from one dashboard, making it easy to respond promptly and efficiently, thus enhancing client satisfaction and reducing front desk strain.

Q. How does a veterinary mobile app enhance the client experience?
A. A veterinary mobile app, such as PetDesk’s industry-leading mobile app, empowers clients to manage their pet’s healthcare journey directly from their smartphone. Clients can access prescription information, request appointments, receive reminders, and even purchase pet health insurance—all from the palm of their hand. This convenience fosters better communication and collaboration between pet owners and veterinary professionals, ultimately enhancing the overall client experience.

Are You Ready To Say Goodbye to No-Shows and Lost Revenue with PetDesk?

Leverage automated reminders, appointment requests, two-way messaging, payments, and more through our mobile app to boost patient compliance and staff satisfaction.