Apps are everywhere! Whether you’re ordering food or scheduling an appointment, the proliferation of mobile apps for business is difficult to miss. Heading to Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? Download the app, order ahead, and skip the line. Ready for a weekend getaway? Hop on TripAdvisor or Kayak and check out the latest deals.

Needless to say, smartphones have made us more capable of “doing” while making us do less.  That is to say, we can accomplish more in less time and with less effort when using a smartphone app.

If you’re reading this, then there’s a good chance you’re a veterinary professional. There’s also a good chance you’re wondering how you can help boost your overall compliance and bottom line. Well, you’re in the right place! By adding an appointment reminder app at your veterinary practice, you can ride the mobile app trend into the promise land where (almost) every client is in compliance with the Dr.’s orders.

So, how can an appointment reminder app drive compliance? Let’s dive in.

Client Reach

One of the main issues with low compliance is the overall effectiveness of a reminder. You have to think of who your clients are and how they want to be reached. Postcards probably aren’t a great way to reach a millennial. However, an SMS or push notification is a great way!

Mobile apps allow you to send the reminder directly to their phone. Push notifications — the in-app messages which appear in the notification tray have a 98% read rate.

It’s really a numbers game. The more clients you can get your reminders in front of, the more appointments you’ll have coming in. This directly translates into increased compliance.

Calendar Integration

Push notifications do one thing other reminders can’t: Integrate with smartphone calendars.

iOS and Android devices allow personal calendars to sync with in-app calendars. Think of the push notification as the bridge between the two: the client receives your push reminder and the push syncs the in-app calendar with their personal calendar. If the client forgets their appointment, the calendar itself will buzz or beep, effectively giving the client an additional reminder. Very convenient.

Many smartphone users have a leg up: the notification will tell the user where they’re going, when to leave by, and provide directions — all from syncing with their calendar. Pretty neat!

The takeaway here: Calendars hold us accountable. Accountable clients, in turn, are compliant clients.

Customer Experience

You give your clients a great customer experience when they’re in the clinic. We know that. By having an app that alerts your clients when their pet is due for the next appointment — that’s giving them the same customer experience while they’re on-the-go.

The idea here is you’re giving them the same experience the other 364 days out of the year. In turn, this creates a favorable impression on your clients. Positive impressions turn into loyalty. Loyalty turns into repeat visits.

High compliance is preceded by these repeat visits by clients.

The takeaway here is simple: as more and more consumers shift their preference towards mobile, so should you! Pivoting is just as important for a veterinary business as it is in life.

If some of these points resonate for you and you’re interested in learning how a mobile app can boost your clinic’s compliance, be sure to request a demo.

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