If April showers bring May flowers, what does June bring? A whole season of summertime plants to watch out for and protect your pets from eating. While the following are just five outdoor plants to be aware of, check this comprehensive list courtesy of the ASPCA for more information.


Azaleas are a beautiful shrub, and popular in outdoor landscaping. While they are nice to look at, they also serve as a tasty temptation to your dog or cat. If your pet eats any part of the azalea, they’ll experience symptoms such as drooling, difficulty walking, vomiting and possible seizures.

Asparagus Fern

No, this isn’t the long, stalky vegetable, and it’s actually not even a fern. This decorative annual adorns many flower boxes on patio areas and decks. So be careful if you’re taking your pooch out for some outdoor dining or libations. If ingested, asparagus fern can cause abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea.


Tiger Lily, Stargazers, Easter Lily. No matter what kind of lily you might be planting in your yard this year, make sure your cat isn’t trying to make a tasty treat out of it. Lily stems, petals, pollen and leaves are all toxic to cats causing lethargy, drooling, vomiting, and decreased appetite. While not all lilies are toxic to dogs, look out for peace lilies, lily of the valley and calla lilies that may cause upset tummies and indigestion.


While this succulent is common as an indoor plant, you can also find it outdoors in ornamental plant boxes and southwestern landscaping. Aloe is known to have health and healing properties for humans, but when it comes to your pets, aloe is certainly toxic. Be on the lookout for lethargy, tremors and diarrhea.

Tomato Plant

Are you even growing a garden if you aren’t tending to tomato plants? While we all love fresh tomatoes from the garden to make salsas, sauces, and caprese salads, you shouldn’t let your pets get a taste of the plant itself. Tomato plants are full of solanine, which ingested in large amounts, can lead to abdominal issues, lethargy, and a slow heart rate.

So What Plants Are Safe for Pets?

For every plant that may be toxic to your pet, there’s a safe alternative that you can plant outside. Try giving these plants a try this summer:

  • Catnip
  • Dill
  • Snapdragons
  • Sunflowers
  • Marigold
  • Rosemary

If your pet is experiencing any of these symptoms, go immediately to your emergency veterinary hospital to treat them. For all other health-related visits such as routine visits, medication pick-up, and vaccinations, download the PetDesk app now to schedule an appointment with your veterinarian.

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