Summer is officially in full swing, and that means veterinary clinics are facing the busiest season of the year. And for many clinics that are just reopening post-COVID, adjusting to different protocols and procedures can create added stress and burn-out for vet staff. To help staff better communicate with their clients, PetDesk has created the Hot Pet Summer Veterinary Staff Survival Kit”. This kit was built to help aid in educating clients about the dangers summer can bring for their pets, and how to prevent common illnesses or harm brought on by summertime dangers like heatstroke, BBQ foods, and fireworks. This kit also has helpful resources for veterinary staff to help prepare them better for reopening practices and clearly communicating with clients what to expect upon visiting the clinic.

The “Hot Pet Summer Veterinary Staff Survival Kit” includes the following resources: 

  • 6 unique social media posts with pre-written captions for Facebook, Instagram and Twitter
  • 2 posters to brand, print and hang in your clinic
  • 2 client summertime reminder handouts
  • Clinic reopening door signs and communication checklists

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