What’s the scoop on poop? Detox with the November content pack.

This month, we’re delivering on the theme of toxicity. We’ve created an entire content pack around pet digestion, common gut problems in cats and dogs, toxic workplaces (including toxic clients), and dangerous holiday foods for pets.

Here, you’ll find everything from interactive materials like the toxic workplace quiz, to a complimentary (and complementary!) client disengagement letter for problem clients. We’ve also included a robust social media kit to last you through the month, as well as educational client handouts on pet potty habits. Lastly, don’t miss out on our Vet Tech Confessions eBook on poop!

Take a look at what’s inside: 

  • 9 November-themed social media posts 
  • The Vet Tech Confessions eBook on poop
  • A guide to dealing with toxic clients and a complimentary disengagement letter
  • A quiz to help determine if your workplace is toxic (and tips on what to do about it)
  • Client resources for identifying normal and abnormal potty habits
  • A quick-read handout on common gut problems in pets
  • Blog posts and take-home materials on the dangers of holiday foods

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