Summer is in full swing, and many of us are spending time outdoors with our human and furry family members enjoying barbecues, vacations, and outdoor activities. But as temperatures rise, it’s important to keep your clients’ pets safe from the potential dangers that come with the season.

In our latest content pack, we give you the tools to educate your clients about summer pet safety and help them keep their furry friends safe all season long. You’ll find useful blog posts, checklists, and information cards that cover topics like pool safety, dangerous creatures, and more. Plus, we’ve included done-for-you social media posts about summer pet safety and other seasonal events. 

Here’s a rundown of what’s inside this month’s pack: 

  • Ready-to-use social media posts
  • Printable July 4th and pool safety checklists
  • Handy summer pet emergency information cards to share with your clients
  • Access to blog posts on pool safety and etiquette, dangerous creatures, and how to help your clients avoid summer pet emergencies

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