It’s never too early to start spreading awareness about Dental Health Month this February. 

January is the perfect time to prepare for Dental Health Month. In this month’s content pack, we’ve included a complete set of blog posts and handouts focused entirely on dog and cat dental health.

Explore helpful materials that talk about how to market Dental Health Month to clients, and browse numerous handouts for pet parents that cover topics like at-home oral pet care, tips for mitigating teething behavior in puppies and kittens, common pet toys that can damage teeth, and pet dental cleaning frequently asked questions. And of course, we’ve included Dental Health Month social media posts for Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Take a look at what’s inside: 

  • 4 Dental Health Month social media posts
  • A how-to article with tips for marketing Dental Health Month to clients
  • A helpful blog post detailing the components of a dental cleaning
  • A summary of common dental issues in dogs and cats
  • Straightforward answers to why a pet’s breath stinks
  • Pet parent handouts about teething, at-home dental care, problematic toys, and more.

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