As the winter months wind down, March is a great time to warm up to new and existing customers with some fresh veterinary marketing ideas! We’ve got you covered with creative ideas and social media graphics designed to engage with pet parents and spread the word about your services, whether it’s educating pet owners throughout Poison Prevention week, celebrating the excitement of St. Patrick’s Day, or participating in Earth Hour.

Get the most out of March with these veterinary marketing ideas and social media graphics!

1. Adopt a Rescued Guinea Pig Month: You read that right—March is the month of guinea pigs! More importantly, it’s a time set aside for raising awareness about adopting rescued guinea pigs. You can remind your community that animal shelters also take in surrendered guinea pigs, just like they do for dogs and cats. Let your online followers know what guinea pigs like to eat, where they live, and other useful facts so they can get excited about planning their very own adoption!

Adopt a rescued guinea pig month social graphic

2. National Pig Day: To piggyback off of the last holiday, March 1st is also a time for showing some love to pigs! Ever since 1972, this day has been dedicated to celebrating our beloved pig friends. Share pig-related facts (like how they’re one of the most intelligent domesticated animals in the world!) and encourage your community to join in on the conversation with any cherishable stories, experiences, or facts they may have about pigs.

National Pig Day Social Graphic

3. National Poison Prevention Week: What do chocolates, grapes, along with many other foods and candies have in common? Dogs are super allergic to them! From March 16th to March 22nd this year, you can share informative pet health advice about preventing dangerous pet encounters with poisonous food, like how some succulents are dangerous for cats. Be sure to also inform your community of what to do if their pets ingest poisonous food and harmful substances, such as contacting or going to their nearest emergency vet right away.

Know the signs of pet poisoning social graphics

4. St. Patrick’s Day: If you’re wanting to ramp up your marketing efforts in March, you’re in luck! St. Patrick’s Day is a great time to connect with your online community by joining in on the Irish festivities. Encourage your followers to share cute and funny photos of their pets dressed up for the occasion, and use this as a chance to remind pet owners about keeping alcohol and other toxic substances far from their pets’ reach.

Happy St. Patrick's Day social graphic

5. First Day of Spring: Celebrate the arrival of more sunshine and warmer air starting March 20th this year! Open the conversation by asking your followers spring-themed questions, like where they enjoy taking their pets as the weather warms up. You can also use this time to remind your community about the importance of staying on top of routine vaccinations and wellness exams for their pets. Invite pet owners to book those services with you by giving them a link that lets them easily view and request veterinary appointments!

Welcome to Spring social graphics

6.  International Day of Happiness: Right on time with the first day of spring, March 20th is for celebrating cheer worldwide! Ask your social media followers to share their happiest pet-related memories with stories, photos, or videos of their own. Highlight important daily habits that give pets a real case of the zoomies, such as consistent play and exercise, a healthy diet, and a steady routine.

International Day of Happiness social graphic

7. Earth Hour: Organized by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Earth Hour is a global initiative to raise awareness about the impacts of climate change. This year’s Earth Hour falls on Saturday, March 22nd between 8:30pm and 9:30pm ET, and you can welcome pet owners to participate by switching off their non-essential lights and utilities during this time. You could even partner with an environmental organization or offer special promotions leading up to Earth Hour, like discounted wellness exams.

Earth Hour social graphic

8. National Puppy Day: Each year, March 23rd is dedicated to raising awareness about puppy mill cruelty and the importance of adopting from shelters. Take the time to share the love you have for your small furry friends by posting photos or stories of the puppies you’ve cared for, and encourage your online community to do the same! Consider teaming up with a local shelter or organization to connect prospective puppy parents, and use this day to promote puppy-specific services and offers.

National Puppy Day Social Graphic

9. Respect Your Cat Day: March 28th is set aside for all things feline! Remind your community to give some extra attention to their cats and kittens, and share helpful tips and best practices for maintaining the healthy lifestyle that every cat deserves. Throw in a limited-time offer (such as 15% off of vaccinations) that incentivizes cat owners to maintain preventative care with your clinic.

Respect your Cat Day social graphic

We hope these 9 veterinary marketing ideas provide you with inspiration to engage with pet owners throughout the month of March! Our eye-catching social media graphics will help you capture the attention of animal lovers and drive more business to your clinic, all while showing them that you’re proactively invested in ensuring every pet lives the best life possible. 

If you need more veterinary marketing inspiration or are curious about our full veterinary marketing solution, reach out to our team! We’ll help you attract more pet owners and retain their business, while you stay focused on caring for their pets.

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