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Monetizing out of compliance clients adds $24K in new revenue

How this veterinary business saved out of compliance clients

Two Vet Techs working together in the PIMS in the treatment area

Appointments Completed

of Clients That the Hospital Connected with Scheduled an Appointment

in New Revenue

The Problem:
Too many clients out of compliance leading to lower lifetime value

A Veterinary Hospital Group was grappling with an all too common problem. Not all clients were scheduling an appointment with their hospitals, even after being sent their final health service reminder.

Though the severity of this problem varied between hospitals, one thing was clear: a lot of “predictable” revenue was not coming in for preventative care, and the lifetime value of clients was dropping as a result.

While searching for a solution, the operations team was frustrated to learn most practice management systems (PIMS) cannot run a streamlined report of clients who have received their last reminder and still have not scheduled. Considering this technology limitation and busy front desks, the group knew they needed to find a novel solution.

“This problem is as old as veterinary medicine, so we were surprised and thrilled that PetDesk’s solution worked so seamlessly to help solve it for us. We are currently planning to roll this process out to our entire group of hospitals this year and we are excited to see results.”

director of operations

A DVM and vet tech examining a cat together

over 50%

The Solution: A report to bring non-compliant clients back in for an appointment

While exploring potential solutions, the operations team called PetDesk. The hospital group was already a customer and knew PetDesk as an easy-to-use communication software that helps hospitals connect with their clients.

For those clients who do not schedule even after receiving their reminders, PetDesk provided the hospital group with a tool called the Compliance Report.

This report shows a list of clients who have been reminded to come in for a health service but have not yet completed an appointment, along with their phone numbers. Armed with these tools and a much more manageable list of clients, the operations team hired a Compliance Coordinator to make outbound calls to the clients on the Compliance Report.

“[They found] the compliance report in PetDesk to be a lot more efficient to work off of than any reports on non-compliant clients from the PIMS.”

director of operations

A Veterinary CSR working in PetDesk while on the phone at the front desk

The Result: High conversion rates, high impact on revenue

Over the course of two months, the hospital pivoted the solution to two of their hospitals. They found “the compliance report in PetDesk to be a lot more efficient to work off of than any reports on non-compliant clients from the PIMS.”

The Director of Operations was ecstatic with the results. “This problem is as old as veterinary medicine, so we were surprised and thrilled that PetDesk’s solution worked so seamlessly to help solve it for us. We are currently planning to roll this process out to our entire group of hospitals this year and we are excited to see results.”

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